Discover The Microgreen Goodness


"Sustainability on the Menu: Exploring Farm-to-Table Dining"  

The farm-to-table movement celebrates the importance of sourcing food from local producers and fostering a direct connection between consumers and the sources of their nourishment. By prioritizing local and seasonal ingredients, it ensures fresher, more flavorful meals that haven't endured lengthy journeys or extended periods of storage. This approach also encourages transparency in the food supply chain, inviting consumers to learn about the origins of their meals and the people behind their production. With a focus on sustainability, the farm-to-table movement bolsters responsible farming practices and supports local economies. In doing so, it strengthens communities, enhances menu diversity, and promotes a healthier and more nutritious approach to dining.  

Gourmet and Medicinal Mushroons

Maitake (Hen of the woods)

Maitake mushrooms, known for their unique frilly appearance and rich, earthy flavor. A feast for both the eyes and the palate, coming soon to your doorstep!

King Oyster

Indulge in the delicate, savory taste of oyster mushrooms, a culinary treasure known for their versatile flavor profile. Coming soon!


We'll be introducing Shiitake mushrooms to our lineup—a culinary favorite celebrated for its robust umami taste and versatile use in an array of dishes. Unleash a world of flavor, coming soon to you!